I would like to welcome you to the web page of the Centre for Quality Assurance (CQA) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
The CQA is the focal point for both External and Internal Quality Review (QR) preparations. Moreover, CQA plays a pivotal role in introducing quality assurance activities in the context of education, especially to achieve the mission of the University “Prosper lives through education” by supporting the University to incorporate quality dimensions into its activities.
To achieve that, the CQA has been involved in a number of initiatives and developed useful documents including policies, guidelines, Terms of References (TORs) etc. with the support of relevant stakeholders. The CQA is also conducting regular meetings with its stakeholders in order to streamline the practices.
You could access information on this webpage and also download relevant applications. The section of ‘’approval process’’ provides easy access links to different educational programmes such as Undergraduate, Postgraduate, External Degrees and SLQF Level 5 and below study programmes, separately. A navigation button could be used to download relevant applications in the end.
Quick links are provided to access Faculty quality assurance cells as well as to the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grant Commission that governs the quality assurance activities of higher education in Sri Lanka.
The underline principle of continuous quality improvement underpins the dimensions of the quality assurance activities in moving towards establishing a Quality Management System in university education in Sri Lanka.
For more details, please do not hesitate to browse through this site where you will find answers to the FAQs. If you still need some clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Prof. Rohana B. Marasinghe
Director, Centre for Quality Assurance, University of Sri Jayewardenepura